We are situated right in the heart of our city centre ( please see Map below ) and operate as a Team-lead church, headed up by our Senior Elder Tim Wheeldon. Tim is the first point of contact to the general community and can be contacted on 0412 456768. The Team includes all the elders and leaders of our various ministries. Follow our Leadership Team link for more details.
We follow the SafeWA COVID guidelines when we meet and strive to maintain good hygiene practices. Masks are no longer required but we do encourage everyone to sanitise their hands on entry into the building.
To assist with communication, we have a weekly email update to outline COVID19 related changes as they develop and to stay in touch along with our Facebook page and of course our Contact Us link on this website where you will find details of our location and our email address. We would love to hear from you!
About Us
Partner with the Holy Spirit
Experience & worship God
Reconcile people with God and all creation
Worshiping & experiencing God goes far beyond singing. In every moment of our lives, we seek to live in the presence of the Lord. At the same time, corporate singing is a precious part of what it means for us to be the people of the kingdom.
Pursue culturally relevant mission in the world
Engage in compassionate ministry

Tim & Judy Wheeldon
Senior Elder, Building Maintenance
Elder, Pastoral Care, Welcome & Hospitality

Jane Olsen
Elder, Worship

Phil Waite

Grahame Paull
Connect Groups, Breakfast Ministry

Ric Turner
IT & Multi Media

Carol Turner
Youth Ministry, Venue Use, Housekeeping

Kat Rosair
Childrens Ministry

Marie Waite
Administration and Admin Assistant
Please note that because the sermon files are quite large they may take up to twenty seconds to begin playing on phones and ipads
- Sermons
- #TitleArtistComposerTimeID
- 01.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/25_02_09-Jane-Olsen-James.mp325_02_09 Jane Olsen James32:38s322audio/mpeg80
- 02.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/25_02_02-Tim-Wheeldon-True-Bread-from-Heaven.mp325_02_02 Tim Wheeldon True Bread from Heaven29:23s323audio/mpeg80
- 03.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/25_01_26-VineYard-Leadership-Values-of-the-Vineyard.mp325_01_26 VineYard Leadership Values of the Vineyard45:43s321audio/mpeg80
- 04.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/25_01_19-Tim-Wheeldon-Dive-Right-In.mp325_01_19 Tim Wheeldon Dive Right In29:02s320audio/mpeg80
- 05.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/25_01_12-Jane-Olsen-Hebrews.mp325_01_12 Jane Olsen Hebrews31:27s319audio/mpeg80
- 06.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/25_01_05-Tim-Wheeldon-Get-Up-and-Walk.mp325_01_05 Tim Wheeldon Get Up and Walk31:30s318audio/mpeg80
- 07.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/24_12_29-Trevor-Wolfe-One-Solitary-Life.mp324_12_29 Trevor Wolfe One Solitary Life32:13s317audio/mpeg80
- 08.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/24_12_22-Tim-How-Then-Should-We-Live.mp324_12_22 Tim How Then Should We Live26:55s316audio/mpeg80
- 09.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/24_12_15-Jane-Olsen-Philemon.mp324_12_15 Jane Olsen Philemon31:47s315audio/mpeg80
- 10.https://bunburyvineyard.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/24_11_24-John-Brearley-All-the-Light-we-cannot-see.mp324_11_24 John Brearley All the Light we cannot see34:32s314audio/mpeg80
Whilst much around us is changing, one thing does remain constant and that is that as a church organisation we have ongoing costs regardless of how we meet. We are thankful that we are a generous church family and we appreciate your ongoing contributions to enable us to honour our obligations and support agencies. Our online banking details for direct deposits:
Acc. name - Bunbury Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Inc.
BSB - 066 507
Acc # - 10511010